Xbox Error Codes - The Three Rings Of Death

The three rings of death are a constant fear for the XBox 360 owner. Because these 3 rings usually show a permanent error, which means that the cosnole has to be shipped off and repaired.

Bear in mind that this is only free if the console is still within its warranty period. And then there's the waiting, and the mix ups, and the replacement consoles that don't work...

It's easy to see why some owners try to fix the problem themselves. But that's when the problems really begin. Many of the fixes that you see on the Internet only make things worse - like the "towel trick", that wraps the XBox 360 in 3 seperate towels to block the air holes and cause dramatic overheating. This can lead to massive internal damage, and even start a fire!

However, that's not to say that there is no hope. There are steps that you can take to fix your xbox 360, without shipping the console for repairs.

Click here to find out more.
